Nomination deadline: 20th March, 2024 UTC-12 (AoE)
The ICAPS Awards committee is requesting nominations of candidate papers for the ICAPS 2024 Influential Paper Award. This award honors the authors of a significant and influential paper in any area of automated planning and scheduling. This award will be given during ICAPS 2024.
To be eligible for this award, the paper should have been published in one of the ICAPS family of conferences (ICAPS, ECP, EWSP, AIPS) at least 10 years before the year of the current conference (i.e. published in 2014 or before).
The nomination material should include the following:
- citation of the nominated paper,
- reasons in favor of the nomination,
- either a URL from which the paper can be retrieved or a copy of the
paper itself. Please contact the committee if this last requirement
causes any difficulties.
Please email all nominations to the following address: