The ICAPS Executive Council requests proposals for community initiatives or outreach activities on related research areas. Proposals can include community initiatives, including tools that may assist in planning and scheduling research (whether for foundational research or application development) or outreach activities to other communities.
Proposals should:
- describe the community initiative or outreach activity
- include a budget, including the amount requested from ICAPS and identify other funding (if known)
- specify a date by which you need to receive our decision (at least 4 weeks from the proposal submission date)
Proposals that involve community initiatives such as research tools should describe the initiative and the expected impact on the planning and scheduling research community. Extensive development costs of research tools cannot be covered by council funds, though the proposed budget may include costs associated with web hosting or similar services. If tools will be developed, please include how they will be released or accessed (e.g., source code release or web access).
Proposals that involve outreach should identify a separate target community and justify its interest in planning and scheduling, explain how the activity is relevant to the target community, and discuss the expected impact on the target community. We have particular interest in activities that target and attract students, but proposals for any outreach activities are welcome. Some examples for outreach are: summer schools that integrate different communities, funding for tutorials at related conferences, and funding for invited speakers.
We encourage creative proposals.
The ICAPS Executive Council will evaluate each proposal independently. The most important criteria are:
- the relevance to planning and scheduling researchers or the target community
- the expected impact of the community initiative or outreach activity, including value to planning and scheduling researchers or making sustainable links to a target community
- the efficiency of the requested budget in achieving impact.
There is no deadline for proposals. All proposals will be adjudicated on an ongoing basis.
Please send proposals and questions to the current president and president elect.