ICAPS is incorporated as a public benefit corporation in California (USA). It is governed by its Articles of Incorporation and its Bylaws (Amendments). The ICAPS Executive Council ensures the continuity of the ICAPS conference series. It ensures the orderly running of the current ICAPS conference, reviews proposals to organize the next ICAPS conferences, checks on financial arrangements, and decides on its venue. It can be reached via the ICAPS Council Google Group.
All members of the executive council were conference or program chairs of prior ICAPS conferences, and the council elects every year two new members from the organizers that year (and earlier conferences if there are not enough candidates).
The details of the election process of new members and officers are determined by the election rules.
Current Executive Council
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2024
- Eva Onaindia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, 2019-2025
- J. Benton, NASA, USA, 2019-2026, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Erez Karpas, Technion, Israel, 2020-2028, President Elect, extended term granted by bylaws
- Shirin Sohrabi, IBM, USA, 2020-2026, Inclusion Chair
- Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Nanjing University, China, 2021-2027
- Michael Katz, IBM, USA, 2021-2027, Competition Liaison
- Pradeep Varakhantam, Singapore Management University, Singapore, 2022-2028
- William Yeoh, Washington University in St. Louis, USA, 2022-2028, Treasurer
- Roman Barták, Charles University, Czech Republic, 2023-2029, Secretary
- Mauro Vallati, University of Huddersfield, UK, 2023-2029, Conference Liaison
- Sara Bernardini, Royal Holloway University of London, UK, 2024-2030, elected
- Christian Muise, Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, 2024-2030, elected
Minutes of Executive Council Meetings
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2024
- Eva Onaindia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, 2019-2025
- J. Benton, NASA, USA, 2019-2026, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Erez Karpas, Technion, Israel, 2020-2028, President Elect, extended term granted by bylaws
- Shirin Sohrabi, IBM, USA, 2020-2026, Inclusion Chair
- Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Nanjing University, China, 2021-2027
- Michael Katz, IBM, USA, 2021-2027, Competition Liaison
- Pradeep Varakhantam, Singapore Management University, Singapore, 2022-2028
- William Yeoh, Washington University in St. Louis, USA, 2022-2028, Treasurer
- Roman Barták, Charles University, Czech Republic, 2023-2029, Secretary
- Mauro Vallati, University of Huddersfield, UK, 2023-2029, Conference Liaison
- Sara Bernardini, Royal Holloway University of London, UK, 2024-2030, elected
- Christian Muise, Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, 2024-2030, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2023
- Matthijs Spaan, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2018-2024
- Gabriele Röger, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2018-2024, President
- Eva Onaindia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, 2019-2025, Secretary
- J. Benton, NASA, USA, 2019-2026, President Elect, extended term granted by bylaws
- Erez Karpas, Technion, Israel, 2020-2026, Conference Liaison
- Shirin Sohrabi, IBM, USA, 2020-2026, Inclusion Chair
- Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Sun Yat-Sen University, China, 2021-2027
- Michael Katz, IBM, USA, 2021-2027, Competition Liaison
- Pradeep Varakhantam, Singapore Management University, Singapore, 2022-2028
- William Yeoh, Washington University in St. Louis, USA, 2022-2028, Treasurer
- Roman Barták, Charles University, Czech Republic, 2023-2029, elected
- Mauro Vallati, University of Huddersfield, UK, 2023-2029, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2022
- Laura Barbulescu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2017-2023
- Jeremy Frank, NASA, USA, 2017-2023, Treasurer
- Matthijs Spaan, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2018-2024
- Gabriele Röger, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2018-2024, President
- Eva Onaindia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, 2019-2025, Secretary
- J. Benton, NASA, USA, 2019-2026, President Elect, extended term granted by bylaws
- Erez Karpas, Technion, Israel, 2020-2026, Conference Liaison
- Shirin Sohrabi, IBM, USA, 2020-2026, Inclusion Chair
- Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Sun Yat-Sen University, China, 2021-2027
- Michael Katz, IBM, USA, 2021-2027, Competition Liaison
- Pradeep Varakhantam, Singapore Management University, Singapore, 2022-2028, elected
- William Yeoh, Washington University in St. Louis, USA, 2022-2028, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2021
- Dan Magazzeni, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2022, President
- Scott Sanner, University of Toronto, Canada, 2016-2022
- Laura Barbulescu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2017-2023
- Jeremy Frank, NASA, USA, 2017-2023, Treasurer
- Matthijs Spaan, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2018-2024
- Gabriele Röger, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2018-2024, President Elect
- Eva Onaindia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, 2019-2025, Secretary
- J. Benton, NASA, USA, 2019-2025, Conference Liaison
- Erez Karpas, Technion, Israel, 2020-2026, Competition Liaison
- Shirin Sohrabi, IBM, USA, 2020-2026, Inclusion Chair
- Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Sun Yat-Sen University, China, 2021-2027, elected
- Michael Katz, IBM, USA, 2021-2027, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2020
- Alan Fern, Oregon State University, USA, 2015-2021
- Patrik Haslum, Australian National University & NICTA, Australia, 2015-2021
- Dan Magazzeni, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2022, President
- Scott Sanner, University of Toronto, Canada, 2016-2022
- Laura Barbulescu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2017-2023
- Jeremy Frank, NASA, USA, 2017-2023, Treasurer
- Matthijs Spaan, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2018-2024
- Gabriele Röger, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2018-2024, President Elect
- Eva Onaindia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, 2019-2025, Secretary
- J. Benton, NASA, USA, 2019-2025, Inclusion Chair, Conference Liaison
- Erez Karpas, Technion, Israel, 2020-2026, elected, Competition Liaison
- Shirin Sohrabi, IBM, USA, 2020-2026, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2019
- Malte Helmert, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2011-2020, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Minh Do, NASA Ames Research Center, USA, 2014-2020, Conference Liaison
- Wheeler Ruml, University of New Hampshire, USA, 2014-2020
- Alan Fern, Oregon State University, USA, 2015-2021
- Patrik Haslum, Australian National University & NICTA, Australia, 2015-2021
- Dan Magazzeni, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2022, President Elect
- Scott Sanner, University of Toronto, Canada, 2016-2022, Competition Liaison
- Laura Barbulescu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2017-2023
- Jeremy Frank, NASA, USA, 2017-2023, Treasurer
- Matthijs Spaan, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2018-2024
- Gabriele Röger, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2018-2024, Secretary
- Eva Onaindia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, 2019-2025, elected
- J. Benton, NASA, USA, 2019-2025, Inclusion Chair, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2018
- Malte Helmert, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2011-2020, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Angelo Oddi, ISTC-CNR, Italy, 2013-2019
- Minh Do, NASA Ames Research Center, USA, 2014-2020, Conference Liaison
- Wheeler Ruml, University of New Hampshire, USA, 2014-2020, Treasurer
- Alan Fern, Oregon State University, USA, 2015-2021
- Patrik Haslum, Australian National University & NICTA, Australia, 2015-2021
- Amanda Coles, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2019, short term due to resignation replacement
- Dan Magazzeni, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2022, President Elect
- Scott Sanner, University of Toronto, Canada, 2016-2022, Competition Liaison
- Laura Barbulescu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2017-2023
- Jeremy Frank, NASA, USA, 2017-2023
- Matthijs Spaan, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2018-2024, elected
- Gabriele Röger, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2018-2024, Secretary, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2017
- Malte Helmert, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2011-2020, President Elect, extended term granted by bylaws
- Blai Bonet, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, 2012-2018
- Brian Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2012-2018, President
- Angelo Oddi, ISTC-CNR, Italy, 2013-2019
- Minh Do, NASA Ames Research Center, USA, 2014-2020, Conference Liaison
- Wheeler Ruml, University of New Hampshire, USA, 2014-2020, Treasurer
- Alan Fern, Oregon State University, USA, 2015-2021, Secretary
- Patrik Haslum, Australian National University & NICTA, Australia, 2015-2021, Competition Liaison
- Amanda Coles, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2019, short term due to resignation replacement
- Dan Magazzeni, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2022
- Scott Sanner, University of Toronto, Canada, 2016-2022
- Laura Barbulescu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2017-2023, elected
- Jeremy Frank, NASA, USA, 2017-2023, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2016
- Carmel Domshlak, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, 2011-2017
- Malte Helmert, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2011-2020, President Elect, extended term granted by bylaws
- Blai Bonet, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, 2012-2018
- Brian Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2012-2018, President
- Angelo Oddi, ISTC-CNR, Italy, 2013-2019
- Minh Do, NASA Ames Research Center, USA, 2014-2020, Conference Liaison
- Wheeler Ruml, University of New Hampshire, USA, 2014-2020, Treasurer
- Alan Fern, Oregon State University, USA, 2015-2021, Secretary
- Patrik Haslum, Australian National University & NICTA, Australia, 2015-2021, Competition Liaison
- Amanda Coles, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2019, short term due to resignation replacement, elected
- Dan Magazzeni, King’s College London, UK, 2016-2022, elected
- Scott Sanner, University of Toronto, Canada, 2016-2022, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2015
- Chris Beck, University of Toronto, Canada, 2008-2014, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Ronen Brafman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, 2010-2016
- Joerg Hoffmann, INRIA, France, 2010-2016, Competition Liaison
- Carmel Domshlak, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, 2011-2017
- Malte Helmert, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2011-2017, Conference Liaison
- Blai Bonet, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, 2012-2018, secretary
- Brian Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2012-2018, President Elect
- Angelo Oddi, ISTC-CNR, Italy, 2013-2019
- Maria Fox, King’s College London, UK, 2013-2019, resigned for 2016-2019
- Minh Do, NASA Ames Research Center, USA, 2014-2020
- Wheeler Ruml, University of New Hampshire, USA, 2014-2020, treasurer
- Alan Fern, Oregon State University, USA, 2015-2021, elected
- Patrik Haslum, Australian National University & NICTA, Australia, 2015-2021, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2014
- Chris Beck, University of Toronto, Canada, 2008-2014, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Daniel Borrajo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, 2009-2015, Treasurer
- Adele Howe, Colorado State University, USA, 2009-2015
- Ronen Brafman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, 2010-2016
- Joerg Hoffmann, INRIA, France, 2010-2016, Competition Liaison
- Carmel Domshlak, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, 2011-2017
- Malte Helmert, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2011-2017, Conference Liaison
- Blai Bonet, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, 2012-2018, Secretary
- Brian Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2012-2018, President Elect
- Angelo Oddi, ISTC-CNR, Italy, 2013-2019
- Maria Fox, King’s College London, UK, 2013-2019
- Minh Do, NASA Ames Research Center, USA, 2014-2020, elected
- Wheeler Ruml, University of New Hampshire, USA, 2014-2020, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2013
- Sylvie Thiebaux, Australian National University & NICTA, Australia, 2007-2013, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Jussi Rintanen, Aalto University, Finland, 2008-2014
- Chris Beck, University of Toronto, Canada, 2008-2014, President Elect
- Daniel Borrajo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, 2009-2015, Treasurer
- Adele Howe, Colorado State University, USA, 2009-2015, Secretary
- Ronen Brafman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, 2010-2016
- Joerg Hoffmann, INRIA, France, 2010-2016, Competition Liaison
- Carmel Domshlak, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, 2011-2017
- Malte Helmert, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2011-2017, Conference Liaison
- Blai Bonet, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, 2012-2018
- Brian Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2012-2018
- Angelo Oddi, ISTC-CNR, Italy, 2013-2019, elected
- Maria Fox, King’s College London, UK, 2013-2019, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2012
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Derek Long, 2006-2012
- Lee McCluskey, 2006-2012, Competition Liaison
- Mark Boddy, 2007-2013
- Sylvie Thiebaux, 2007-2013, President Elect
- Chris Beck, 2008-2014, Conference Liaison
- Jussi Rintanen, 2008-2014
- Adele Howe, 2009-2015, Secretary
- Daniel Borrajo, 2009-2015, Treasurer
- Joerg Hoffmann, 2010-2016
- Ronen Brafman, 2010-2016
- Carmel Domshlak, 2011-2017, elected
- Malte Helmert, 2011-2017, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2011
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Kanna Rajan, 2005-2011
- Karen Myers, 2005-2011, Treasurer
- Derek Long, 2006-2012
- Lee McCluskey, 2006-2012, Competition Liaison
- Mark Boddy, 2007-2013
- Sylvie Thiebaux, 2007-2013, President Elect
- Chris Beck, 2008-2014, Conference Liaison
- Jussi Rintanen, 2008-2014
- Adele Howe, 2009-2015, Secretary
- Daniel Borrajo, 2009-2015
- Joerg Hoffmann, 2010-2016, elected
- Ronen Brafman, 2010-2016, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2010
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Kanna Rajan, 2005-2011
- Karen Myers, 2005-2011, Treasurer
- Derek Long, 2006-2012
- Lee McCluskey, 2006-2012, Competition Liaison
- Mark Boddy, 2007-2013
- Sylvie Thiebaux, 2007-2013, President Elect
- Chris Beck, 2008-2014, Conference Liaison
- Jussi Rintanen, 2008-2014
- Adele Howe, 2009-2015, Secretary
- Daniel Borrajo, 2009-2015
- Joerg Hoffmann, 2010-2016, elected
- Ronen Brafman, 2010-2016, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2009
- Enrico Giunchiglia, 2003-2009, President, extended term granted by bylaws
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010, President Elect
- Sven Koenig, 2004-2010
- Kanna Rajan, 2005-2011
- Karen Myers, 2005-2011
- Derek Long, 2006-2012
- Lee McCluskey, 2006-2012
- Mark Boddy, 2007-2013
- Sylvie Thiebaux, 2007-2013
- Chris Beck, 2008-2014
- Jussi Rintanen, 2008-2014
- Adele Howe, 2009-2015, elected
- Daniel Borrajo, 2009-2015, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2008
- Enrico Giunchiglia, 2003-2009, President
- Nicola Muscettola, 2003-2009
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010, President Elect
- Sven Koenig, 2004-2010, Secretary
- Kanna Rajan, 2005-2011
- Karen Myers, 2005-2011, Treasurer
- Derek Long, 2006-2012, Competition Liaison
- Lee McCluskey, 2006-2012
- Mark Boddy, 2007-2013
- Sylvie Thiebaux, 2007-2013, Conference Liaison
- Chris Beck, 2008-2014, elected
- Jussi Rintanen, 2008-2014, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2007
- Amedeo Cesta, 2002-2008
- Craig Knoblock, 2002-2008, President
- Joachim Hertzberg, 2002-2008
- Malik Ghallab, 2002-2008
- Manuela Veloso, 2002-2008
- Paolo Traverso, 2002-2008
- Reid Simmons, 2002-2008
- Sam Steel, 2002-2008
- Steve Chien, 2002-2008
- Steve Smith, 2002-2008
- Subbarao Kambhampati, 2002-2008
- Susanne Biundo, 2002-2008
- Enrico Giunchiglia, 2003-2009, President Elect
- Nicola Muscettola, 2003-2009
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010, Conference Liaison
- Sven Koenig, 2004-2010, Secretary
- Kanna Rajan, 2005-2011
- Karen Myers, 2005-2011, Treasurer
- Derek Long, 2006-2012, Competition Liaison
- Lee McCluskey, 2006-2012
- Mark Boddy, 2007-2013, elected
- Sylvie Thiebaux, 2007-2013, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2006
- Amedeo Cesta, 2002-2008
- Craig Knoblock, 2002-2008, President
- Joachim Hertzberg, 2002-2008
- Malik Ghallab, 2002-2008
- Manuela Veloso, 2002-2008
- Paolo Traverso, 2002-2008
- Reid Simmons, 2002-2008
- Sam Steel, 2002-2008
- Steve Chien, 2002-2008
- Steve Smith, 2002-2008
- Subbarao Kambhampati, 2002-2008
- Susanne Biundo, 2002-2008
- Enrico Giunchiglia, 2003-2009, President Elect
- Nicola Muscettola, 2003-2009
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010, Conference Liaison
- Sven Koenig, 2004-2010, Secretary
- Kanna Rajan, 2005-2011
- Karen Myers, 2005-2011, Treasurer
- Derek Long, 2006-2012, Competition Liaison, elected
- Lee McCluskey, 2006-2012, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2005
- Amedeo Cesta, 2002-2008
- Craig Knoblock, 2002-2008, President Elect
- Joachim Hertzberg, 2002-2008
- Malik Ghallab, 2002-2008, President
- Manuela Veloso, 2002-2008
- Paolo Traverso, 2002-2008, Treasurer
- Reid Simmons, 2002-2008
- Sam Steel, 2002-2008
- Steve Chien, 2002-2008
- Steve Smith, 2002-2008
- Subbarao Kambhampati, 2002-2008, Secretary
- Susanne Biundo, 2002-2008
- Enrico Giunchiglia, 2003-2009, Conference Liaison
- Nicola Muscettola, 2003-2009
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010
- Sven Koenig, 2004-2010
- Kanna Rajan, 2005-2011, elected
- Karen Myers, 2005-2011, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2004
- Amedeo Cesta, 2002-2008
- Craig Knoblock, 2002-2008, President Elect
- Joachim Hertzberg, 2002-2008
- Malik Ghallab, 2002-2008, President
- Manuela Veloso, 2002-2008
- Paolo Traverso, 2002-2008, Treasurer
- Reid Simmons, 2002-2008
- Sam Steel, 2002-2008
- Steve Chien, 2002-2008
- Steve Smith, 2002-2008
- Subbarao Kambhampati, 2002-2008, Secretary
- Susanne Biundo, 2002-2008
- Enrico Giunchiglia, 2003-2009, Conference Liaison
- Nicola Muscettola, 2003-2009
- Shlomo Zilberstein, 2004-2010, elected
- Sven Koenig, 2004-2010, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2003
- Amedo Cesta, 2002-2008
- Craig Knoblock, 2002-2008, Treasurer
- Joachim Hertzberg, 2002-2008
- Malik Ghallab, 2002-2008, President Elect
- Manuela Veloso, 2002-2008
- Palo Traverso, 2002-2008
- Reid Simmons, 2002-2008
- Sam Steel, 2002-2008, Conference Liaison
- Steve Chien, 2002-2008, President
- Steve Smith, 2002-2008
- Subbarao Kambhampati, 2002-2008
- Susanne Biundo, 2002-2008
- Enrico Giunchiglia, 2003-2009, elected
- Nicola Muscettola, 2003-2009, elected
- ICAPS Executive Council after ICAPS 2002
- Amedo Cesta, 2002-2008
- Craig Knoblock, 2002-2008, Treasurer
- Joachim Hertzberg, 2002-2008
- Manuela Veloso, 2002-2008
- Mark Ghallab, 2002-2008, President Elect
- Palo Traverso, 2002-2008
- Reid Simmons, 2002-2008
- Sam Steel, 2002-2008, Conference Liaison
- Steve Chien, 2002-2008, President
- Steve Smith, 2002-2008
- Subbarao Kambhampati, 2002-2008
- Susanne Biundo, 2002-2008