Avitan Gefen and Ronen I. BrafmanThe Minimal Seed Set Problem
Son Thanh To, Tran Cao Son, and Enrico PontelliContingent Planning as AND/OR Forward Search with Disjunctive Representation
Christopher Weber and Daniel BrycePlanning and Acting in Incomplete Domains
Chris Mansley, Ari Weinstein, and Michael L. LittmanSample-Based Planning for Continuous Action Markov Decision Processes
Thomas Keller and Patrick EyerichA Polynomial All Outcome Determinization for Probabilistic Planning
Blai Bonet and Julio CastilloA Complete Algorithm for Generating Landmarks
Aldo Porco, Alejandro Machado, and Blai BonetAutomatic Polytime Reductions of NP Problems into a Fragment of STRIPS
Nir Lipovetzky and Hector GeffnerSearching for Plans with Carefully Designed Probes
Alexandre Albore, Miquel Ramirez, and Hector GeffnerEffective Heuristics and Belief Tracking for Planning with Incomplete Information
Alan Fern and Paul LewisEnsemble Monte-Carlo Planning: An Empirical Study
Jordan T. Thayer, Austin Dionne, and Wheeler RumlLearning Inadmissible Heuristics during Search
Alfonso E. Gerevini, Fabio Patrizi, and Alessandro SaettiAn Effective Approach to Realizing Planning Programs
Siddharth Srivastava, Neil Immerman, Shlomo Zilberstein, and Tianjiao ZhangDirected Search for Generalized Plans Using Classical Planners
Anders Jonsson and Michael RovatsosScaling Up Multiagent Planning: A Best-Response Approach
Paul WengMarkov Decision Processes with Ordinal Rewards: Reference Point-Based Preferences
Pascal Poupart, Kee-Eung Kim, and Dongho KimClosing the Gap: Improved Bounds on Optimal POMDP Solutions
Boris Lesner and Bruno ZanuttiniEfficient Policy Construction for MDPs Represented in Probabilistic PDDL
Andrey Kolobov, Mausam, Daniel S. Weld, and Hector GeffnerHeuristic Search for Generalized Stochastic Shortest Path MDPs
Javier Velez, Garrett Hemann, Albert S. Huang, Ingmar Posner, and Nicholas RoyPlanning to Perceive: Exploiting Mobility for Robust Object Detection
Raghuram Ramanujan and Bart SelmanTrade-Offs in Sampling-Based Adversarial Planning