Ishani Chatterjee, Maxim Likhachev, Ashwin Khadke and Manuela Veloso
Robotics II : Speeding Up Search-based Motion Planning via Conservative Heuristics
Yuqian Jiang, Nick Walker, Justin Hart and Peter Stone
Robotics II : Open-world Reasoning for Service Robots
Aditya Mandalika, Sanjiban Choudhury, Oren Salzman and Siddhartha Srinivasa
Path and Motion Planning : Generalized Lazy Search for Robot Motion Planning: Interleaving Search and Edge Evaluations via Event-based Toggles
Marcus Hoerger, Joshua Mun Liang Song, Hanna Kurniawati and Alberto Elfes
Robotics I : Trajectory Tracking Control for Robotic Vehicles using Counterexample Guided Training of Neural Networks
Arthur Claviere, Souradeep Dutta and Sriram Sankaranarayanan
Robotics I : POMDP-based Candy Server: Lessons Learned from a Seven Day Demo
Tim Niemueller, Till Hofmann and Gerhard Lakemeyer
Knowledge Engineering and Execution : Goal Reasoning in a CLIPS-based Executive for Integrated Planning and Execution
Takeshi Takahashi, He Sun, Dong Tian and Yebin Wang
Path and Motion Planning : Learning Heuristic for Mobile Robot Path Planning Using Deep Neural Network
Fahad Islam, Oren Salzman and Maxim Likhachev
Robotics II : Provable Infinite-Horizon Real-Time Planning for Repetitive Tasks
Joshua Vander Hook, Tiago Stegun Vaquero, Federico Rossi, Martina Troesch, Marc Sanchez-Net, Joshua Schoolcraft, Jean-Pierre de la Croix and Steve Chien
Planetary Exploration : Mars On-site Shared Analytics, Information, and Computing
Tiago Veiga, Miguel Silva, Rodrigo Ventura and Pedro U. Lima
Robotics II : An Hierarchical Approach to Active Semantic Mapping Using Probabilistic Logic and Information Reward POMDP
Michael Cashmore, Andrew Coles, Bence Cserna, Erez Karpas, Daniele Magazzeni and Wheeler Ruml
LTL & Temporal Planning : Replanning for Situated Robots
Sankalp Garg, Aniket Bajpai and Mausam
Reinforcement Learning : Size-Independent Neural Transfer for RDDL Planning
Pawel Gomoluch, Dalal Alrajeh and Alessandra Russo
Reinforcement Learning : Learning Classical Planning Strategies with Policy Gradient
Tanvi Verma, Pradeep Varakantham and Hoong Chuin Lau
Maximum Entropy based Independent Learning in Anonymous Multi-Agent Settings
Alberto Camacho and Sheila A. McIlraith
LTL & Temporal Planning : Learning Interpretable Models Expressed in Linear Temporal Logic
Bahram Behzadian, Soheil Gharatappeh and Marek Petrik
Learning : Fast Feature Selection for Linear Value Function Approximation
Masataro Asai
Learning : Unsupervised Grounding of Plannable First-Order Logic Representation from Images
Miquel Junyent, Anders Jonsson and Vicenç Gómez
Reinforcement Learning : Deep Policies for Width-Based Planning in Pixel DoPlanning and Learnings
Masataro Asai and Hiroshi Kajino
Learning : Towards Stable Symbol Grounding with ZeroSuppressed State AutoEncoder
Jannik Peters, Daniel Stephan, Isabel Amon, Hans Gawendowicz, Julius Lischeid, Lennart Salabarria, Jonas Umland, Felix Werner, Martin S. Krejca, Ralf Rothenberger, Timo Kötzing and Tobias Friedrich
Applications II : Mixed Integer Programming versus Evolutionary Computation for Optimizing a Hard Real-World Staff Assignment Problem